Teachable Moment

I haven’t always liked to talk. I generally have to feel comfortable around people before I truly open up so I don’t really understand where this need to blab on about any topic is coming from. Maybe it is a need to release some of those thoughts in my head or maybe I enjoy being given a topic and allowed to ramble on. Either way, if you are reading this you are caught in my babble stream…

The Daily Post‘s prompt for the day is Teachable MomentYou have to learn a new skill. Do you prefer to read about it, watch someone else do it, hear someone describe it, or try it yourself?

I consider myself a quick learner. If I do not know an application, programming language, etc., I do not have any trouble figuring it out. Just give me a book, the help file, an example, or access to the internet and a specific assignment, and I will learn what I need to get the job done. I learn best by doing. I’m hands on. I can go to a class but until I have to figure it out on my own to accomplish a task it will not sink in.

How about you? How do you learn?